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Blue 240 Litre Wheelie Bins

Wheelie Bin Solutions
OCoLC: 889647468
Rated 3.5/5 based on 11 customer reviews
  • Fast Delivery 
  • Stores up to 4 refuse sacks
  • Max Load: 96kg
  • EN840 Compliant

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If you’re looking to replace your blue council bin, the chances are that you’re on the right page. Our 240 litre wheelie bin in blue is a very popular choice with local councils across the country. Just the right size for the average family’s waste, blue is usually the colour of choice for the collection of household recyclables — including plastics, paper, card and aluminium cans.

This size of bin is also ideal for small business premises with regular collections, and it can be used to collect any waste stream. Being UV-resistant and able to cope with chemicals and extreme temperatures, this bin is robust and long-lasting.

Our blue 240 litre wheelie bin is manufactured from HDPE by compact injection moulding in Germany to the highest specifications. The resulting product is easy to clean, and low maintenance thanks to its solid rubber wheels (in a choice of 200mm or 250mm) and corrosion-resistant, zinc-plated steel axle.

The dimensions of this blue 240 litre wheelie bin are:


Total height
 Total depth

Total width

713mm 575mm

Full blue 240 litre wheelie bin product specifications can be downloaded in this PDF file.

Further details of this 240l blue wheelie bin:

  • Manufactured in accordance with DIN EN 840 and RAL GZ 951/1
  • Produced from specially developed, high molecular weight, high-density polyethylene
  • Emptied by a stepped comb-lift, shape A
  • All usual colours and combinations are available, including red, yellow, green, orange, black and brown
  • Ready to accommodate data carriers/transponders (chipnest) as a standard feature
  • Marked with the appropriate noise level and the CE symbol in accordance with the regulations of directive 2000/14/EC
  • Complies with all UK Council regulations
  • This bin can contain around 4 bin bags full of rubbish at any one time
  • The lid is equipped with ergonomic handles
  • Stacking ribs as standard, this allows for high stacking
  • All parts of the wheelie bins can be recycled at the end of their useful life

Check out the drop-down menu for optional extras.

Blue Wheelie Bin Sizes

Colours available

The 240 Litre Wheelie Bin is available in the following colours: